Custom Brand  Design by Artisan Kind


Jayne and Kelly, the holistic nutritionists behind Abundant Hope Nutrition, were excited to create a brand identity that would reflect their passion for restoring joy and abundant living for clients. 

Beyond growing a consistent client pipeline they have dreams of building an online community, self-paced courses, and perhaps wellness retreats in the future.

We wanted the design to communicate trust in the way that felt like an outstretched hand and a reassuring hug. Soft shades of green, blue, and rose speak to ease and expertise they bring into client journeys. Abstract and fine-line florals speak to their approach: a willingness to flow and explore the twist-and-turn nature of health stories.

The timeless and elegant logo feels grounded yet gentle which is a needed energy for those who have been tossed around through the unknowns of chronic symptoms. We topped the logo with a sprig of leaves which calls in both Jayne and Kelly’s love for nature (and of course the healing available in the peaceful outdoors). 

Custom Brand Design for Alternative Medicine Practitioner & Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist

Earthy, Elegant, Classic


Mesna, Arizona


Holistic Nutritionists


Abundant Hope Nutrition

the client:

project details

- Kelly Calkins

"I love the new look. It's clean, classy, and clear. It has all the femininity of a woman-owned business, and makes us feel professional and polished."

the experience:

The Artisan Kind Custom Brand Design package creates a brilliant, visual foundation for your business by showcasing who you are as a person and a professional so you can confidently (and sustainably) grow your small business.

Includes: kick-off call, a custom primary logo, 4-6 secondary logos and icons, a brand pattern, font selection, a color palette and brand user manual. 

custom Brand Design:

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