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How to use Heading Tags to Enhance Your Website SEO Part 1

Filed in Small Business Tips 

Phone sitting on a book next to a bouquet of white peonies, a purse and a cup of black coffee

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  1. […] Once you feel like you’ve got a handle on your title tags, meta descriptions (and H tags from our previous post, part one) then you can read the third and final post in this SEO series: how to set up image titles and […]

  2. […] remember is you don’t need to do everything at once. Start small. Focus on one SEO task such as H tags, or Meta descriptions, or alt text. As we always say, there’s no pressure to be perfect with […]

  3. […] I started my first business my focuses were way out of priority. I was preoccupied with SEO before I even had a solid contract in place or even one good headshot. SEO is important, but it […]

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